Lined Plug Valve Design

Fluoroseal Lined Plug Valves
Fluoroseal Lined Plug Valves
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The Fluoroseal lined range of plug valves can be provided for the most corrosive of applications. Most lined valves available on the market use ductile or cast iron as the base material of the valve prior to lining; the Fluoroseal lined valve uses ASTM A216 WCB carbon steel material which offers greater mechanical strength and resistance to temperature variances. Each carbon steel component has an epoxy based coating prior to the lining material being applied.

Pressure Rating PN16 & ASA150
Materials Body/Disc: ASTM A216 WCB with PFA liner. Seat: PTFE
End Connections PN16 & ASA150
Size Range 1” to 14”

The Fluoroseal range of none lubricated plug valves will handle the most arduous of process application from aggressive acids to high temperature sulphur transfer lines. Plug valves have traditionally been used for services such as slurries or viscous media’s which would normally restrict the performance of valves such as ball or butterfly.

The Fluoroseal can be supplied for manual, automated or control type applications with the body style and material selected to suit our customer’s particular process application.

Available as an option for all the plug valve range is the EZ-SEAL top seal adjustment system which eliminates the potential of plug side loading during operation.